Saturday, 4 June 2016

World Environment Day-Read Once But Think Twice

Save environment, be wise,
Please, as many as grow trees
Go green, concept is very nice,
My dear and lovely gals and guys,
Read once but think twice???

Do you know about your real parents?
This earth is your sweet mother,
And this environment is your father,
So, love them, care them and save them,
Being their sweetest son and daughter!!!

Tell your enemies, tell your friends,
Forget your animosity, forget your foes,
Come close and everyday grow trees,
To save generation and nice natures,
Read once but think twice???

Stop cutting sweet-sweet plants,
Stop killing lovely-lovely animals,
Stop polluting pure breathings,
Save environment, this is only choice,
Read once but think twice???
Read once but think twice???

Watch Wow Video-

World Environment Day-Read Once But Think Twice

Save environment, be wise,
Please, as many as grow trees
Go green, concept is very nice,
My dear and lovely gals and guys,
Read once but think twice???

Do you know about your real parents?
This earth is your sweet mother,
And this environment is your father,
So, love them, care them and save them,
Being their sweetest son and daughter!!!

Tell your enemies, tell your friends,
Forget your animosity, forget your foes,
Come close and everyday grow trees,
To save generation and nice natures,
Read once but think twice???

Stop cutting sweet-sweet plants,
Stop killing lovely-lovely animals,
Stop polluting pure breathings,
Save environment, this is only choice,
Read once but think twice???
Read once but think twice???

Watch Wow Video-

World Environment Day-Read Once But Think Twice

Save environment, be wise,
Please, as many as grow trees
Go green, concept is very nice,
My dear and lovely gals and guys,
Read once but think twice???

Do you know about your real parents?
This earth is your sweet mother,
And this environment is your father,
So, love them, care them and save them,
Being their sweetest son and daughter!!!

Tell your enemies, tell your friends,
Forget your animosity, forget your foes,
Come close and everyday grow trees,
To save generation and nice natures,
Read once but think twice???

Stop cutting sweet-sweet plants,
Stop killing lovely-lovely animals,
Stop polluting pure breathings,
Save environment, this is only choice,
Read once but think twice???
Read once but think twice???

Watch Wow Video-

World Environment Day-Read Once But Think Twice

Save environment, be wise,
Please, as many as grow trees
Go green, concept is very nice,
My dear and lovely gals and guys,
Read once but think twice???

Do you know about your real parents?
This earth is your sweet mother,
And this environment is your father,
So, love them, care them and save them,
Being their sweetest son and daughter!!!

Tell your enemies, tell your friends,
Forget your animosity, forget your foes,
Come close and everyday grow trees,
To save generation and nice natures,
Read once but think twice???

Stop cutting sweet-sweet plants,
Stop killing lovely-lovely animals,
Stop polluting pure breathings,
Save environment, this is only choice,
Read once but think twice???
Read once but think twice???

Watch Wow Video-

World Environment Day-"Read Once But Think Twice"

Save environment, be wise,
Please, as many as grow trees
Go green, concept is very nice,
My dear and lovely gals and guys,
Read once but think twice???

Do you know about your real parents?
This earth is your sweet mother,
And this environment is your father,
So, love them, care them and save them,
Being their sweetest son and daughter!!!

Tell your enemies, tell your friends,
Forget your animosity, forget your foes,
Come close and everyday grow trees,
To save generation and nice natures,
Read once but think twice???

Stop cutting sweet-sweet plants,
Stop killing lovely-lovely animals,
Stop polluting pure breathings,
Save environment, this is only choice,
Read once but think twice???
Read once but think twice???

Watch Wow Video-

EnviroNmenT DaY-ऐसा होगा मेरा कल

पृथ्वी के गुरुत्वाकर्षण से कहीं दूर
गले में कम्पुटर,हाथ में मोबाईल,
बातों में संजोये आधुनिक स्टाईल,
मै मालामाल रहूंगा हर पल

मेरे बाल-बच्चे बम बारूद(आविष्कार) से खेलेंगे,
एक अलग ही दुनिया में जहाँ,
ना अज्ञानता होगी,ना बेरोजगारी का बोल,
जिन्दगी होगी वर्तमान से कहीं ज्यादा खुशहाल,

फिल्मो में,राजनीती में,व्यापार में,
खेलों में और वैज्ञानिक हलचल में,
भूतकाल का कहीं नाम ना होगा,
एक अजब-गजब सी होगी पहल,

पशु-पक्षी भी वाहनों में,वायुयानों में,
या किसी एयर-कंडिशनर में करेंगे सफ़र,
इनके गले में पोस्टर पर,साफ़ लिखा होगा,
डोंट डिस्टर्ब मी,आई एम् बीजी एनीमल,

हर बच्चे की जुबा विज्ञान बन जाएगी,
पैदा होते ही अणु,परमाणु,हईड्रोजन दोहराएंगे,
आँखे उनकी चाँद,मंगल,अंतरिक्ष में खुलेंगी,
और सम्पूर्ण ब्रम्हांड में करेंगे कदम-ताल,

या यूँ कि
पाश्चात्य सभ्यता के बड़ने से,
विज्ञान के सर पर चड़ने से,
मानवों का चारों तरफ नंगा नाच होगा,
बदल जायेगी इस धरती की शकल,
ऐसा होगा मेरा कल |

मानवता जह्न्नुमन से बद्तर हो जायेगी,
यमराज बैठा ईन्तजार करेगा मानव मरण का,
मगर एक सुई की चुभन से उम्र बड़ जायेगी,
सब ज्योतिषियों की ज्योतिषी होगी विफल,
ऐसा होगा मेरा कल |

सभी जीवित प्राणी डिहाईडरेटेड हो जायेंगे,
भोजन की कमी में एक दुसरे को खायेंगे,
ऐसी दुसित हो जाएगी धरती माता,
चारों तरफ होगा दलदल ही दलदल,
ऐसा होगा मेरा कल |

जब क्लोनिग से बनेंगे नए प्रतिरूप,
तो आतंकवादी अकड़ में जाएंगे,
विश्व में बस आतंक का होगा जंजाल,
तब उस यांत्रिक युग में ना होगा कोई हल,
ऐसा होगा मेरा कल|

मेरी परछाई को मै ढूंढ ना पाउँगा,
उस बडती हुई जनसंख्या के जाल में,
सब पेड़ों का हो जाएगा बुरा हाल,
और तब भविष्य में लोगों को याद आएगा भूतकाल,
ऐसा होगा मेरा कल |

Watch Wow Video On World Environment Day-
